Before I begin, I want to make clear that I think Reddit is a reputable company/website/community in many respects. That being said, in my personal opinion the subreddit for urban planning has proven itself to not be appropriate for discussing the urban planning profession and the things that go along with it.
Reddit was founded to provide a decentralized discussion forum for users with similar interests. The urban planning subreddit, through the actions of moderators and users, prioritizes articles and discussions for high level urbanism, not the nitty gritty planning career issues. And that's okay. There are plenty of purely urbanist websites out there that are masked as being focused toward what it is to be an urban planner.
There are very few websites or venues out there that are specifically focused toward the planning profession. Cyburbia being one of them and has been for a long time! Many a planner are using Reddit as an alternative, but unfortunately are forced to wade through the articles posted from the same few websites.
So what's a planner to do? Well I'm glad you asked. We've started a user-friendly, collaboration-inducing community that will fill that craving that urban planners have for a web-community that speaks to them, and allows them to speak to each other. The Planning Peeps mighty network includes real time chat, circles for different planning interest groups, specialty types, and will connect you with planners in your area and speciality for networking and collaboration. It is also available as an app for those who like push notifications.
This is just another innovative venture that Planning Peeps has taken to help connect planners to one another and collaborate on some of the major issues facing our communities! Because after all, that's why we do what we do.
/end rant kk urban planning blog