We have identified a number of events for the hypothetical Planning Olympics, "Planlympics" if you will. You can test these out in your office, organize regional qualifying matches, then compete at the Chapter and National APA level! Or just giggle at the absurdity of how well you would do at these events...
Charrette Staging
Setting up for a planning charrette is no small task. The easels, boards, comment cards, CHEESE PLATE are all necessary tasks to get things ready for the magical event. This event tests the Planlympian's skills in speed and quality.
EVENT RULES Items: - Five easels and boards - One cheese or veggie plate - Jug of sweet tea - Comment cards and sign in sheet Participant will compete in a timed event to set up the easels and boards, set up and unwrap the cheese or veggie plate, place and open the one gallon jug of sweet tea (yes, the plastic thing under the lid too), place the comment cards and sign in sheet. All items will have designated spots. Variations: Fewer items, taco bar, unsweet tea, and a judging panel for placement.
100 Meter Schlep
Moving your plans, charrette materials, markers, cameras what have you is no easy feat. Because most places that employ planners won't budget for animal powered bulk transport, they inadvertently create a creature commonly known as the PLANNER PACK MULE. This event tests the Planlympian's skills in speed, organizational skills, and endurance.
EVENT RULES Items: - Four roll crates - Assortment of heavy binders, plans, markers, cameras, etc. - Three arm holstered easel bags (with easels inside) - Two standalone crates or tubs that cannot be rolled - Two rolled up plans or maps Participant will compete in a timed event to move materials 100 meters to a final staging area. Planner may go back and forth between starting point and staging area. Planner will load up materials, schlep them to the final staging area, and then unload the materials. Variations: Fewer or more items, shorter or longer distance, and couples schlepping
Plan Rollups (House, Commercial, Hospital)
In a world of errant rubber band projectiles and multi-sheet papercuts, rolling up building plans is dangerous to the average planner. They are heavy ticking time bombs. This event tests the Planlympian's skills in speed, attention to safety, strength, and endurance.
EVENT RULES Items: - Three full sets of plans: house, commercial, and hospital (varying degree of size) - Two rubber bands for each set (6) - Pre-sized slot for the plans - Eye goggles (optional) - Finger protection (optional) Participant will compete in a timed event to remove each set of pre-rolled plans from a pre-sized slot, carry them at least 50 feet away, unravel them, and roll them back up with two rubber bands per set. The planner will need to be sure that they roll the plans up tight enough that they fit in the slot that they came from. Variations: Fewer or more plans, different items, add a review, and shorter or longer distance.
Interpretative Pointing
Planners point, its what we do. It is for this reason that the best pointers be singled out for their pointing prowess. This event tests the Planlympian's skills in attention to detail and persuasiveness.
EVENT RULES Items: - Easel and poster board - Random civilian Participant will compete in a judged event to explain a plan to a random person using primarily their hand to tell the story. While the planner can still use verbal communication, scores will be judged on the planner's hand gesture movement toward the board. Extra points will be awarded if the planner can tastefully work in the difficult to master 'double handed no look backhanded point'. Variations: More boards, angry random civilian
Mental Mapping
Planners know their cities and jurisdictions. Its kind of hard not to know how to mentally visualize places when we look at the same maps on a daily basis. Planners are called upon to know where things are, and we deliver on that expectation. It is a rather strange phenomenon as many planners do not work in areas that they are originally from, yet they can, sometimes out of necessity, know more about how their city or jurisdiction is laid out than people who have lived there their whole lives. This event tests the Planlympian's skills in attention to detail and mental aptitude.
EVENT RULES Items: - Pen and paper Participant will compete in a judged event to mentally map an area that all participants have been given general familiarity with. This area can be an entire city or specific areas of cities, whichever the judge prefers. Participant will draw the area by memory alone and label as appropriate. Participant will be judged on accuracy and level of detail. Variations: Blindfolded Be sure to share your Planlympics with us on facebookurban planning blog