Yes you read that right, 'Six Degrees of Urban Planners' not 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon'. 'Six Degrees of Urban Planners' is not connecting planners to Kevin Bacon, however you probably could through his father, famed Philadelphia Planning Commission Director Edmund Bacon. No, the object of the game is to connect urban planners to each other. How? You might ask. Well, you first need to add your branch to the Planner Family Tree, and encourage your planning friends and colleagues to do the same!
The Planner Family Tree
Planners with larger reaches/legacies will be shown as being larger. Keep in mind that this is something that we do with an analytics report after we receive new connections.
Because it's awesome? Seriously, the tree showcases how we connect, who we've been mentored/groomed by, and provides planning practitioners with a visual representation of their reach and legacy.
So add your name to the tree and you might just be surprised to see how far you are from Planning leaders like Mitch Silver, Whit Blanton, Cynthia Bowen, Kurt Christiansen, among many many others, heck even Edmund Bacon! Get the Coupon Book for Urban Planners!urban planning blog