1. If you cringe when someone says " variance"... 2. If you know the differences between ACS 1, 3, and 5-year estimates... 3. If you cheer on the bike rider slowing down a lane of traffic... 4. If your student loan balance far exceeds your annual salary... 5. If you have ever turned down a cookie for ethical reasons... 6. If you are constantly told to "come back down to earth"... 7. If you notice businesses that put their parking in the rear to bring the building closer to the street... 8. If City Councilmen text or call you on the weekend... 9. If your family still doesn't understand what you do all day at work...
10. If your friends constantly ask you when a certain restaurant or store is coming to town...
11. If you've ever had to explain the definition of "family" to a grumpy old man with a hearing problem wearing a "come and take it" shirt... 12. If you've ever had to explain the difference between a survey and a final plat... 13. If you die a little inside when someone says "highest and best use"... 14. If you are the token liberal in your community... 15. If you are the only environmentalist in your community... 16. If you're one more "ask for forgiveness rather than permission" away from roundhousing someone's ass... 17. If you've met the Mayor's brother, sister, cousin, childhood friend, friend of a friend, cousin of a friend of a friend, sister's brother's cousin's best friend's son... 18. If you think Mitch Silver would make an excellent President... 19. If you can break down an easel in 1.43 seconds... 20. If you've ever spent weeks preparing for a meeting to have nobody but staff attend... urban planning blog